Written in collaboration with Herb Sutter, C++ Coding Standards is an authoritative resource for guidelines on writing industrial strength C++ code.
- Herb Sutter's page for the book
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- Free! Item 1: Compile Cleanly at High Warning levels [read] [print], Item 73: Throw by Value, Catch by Reference [read] [print]
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- Browse the book errata, maintained by Herb Sutter
- Contact Andrei or Herb with feedback about C++ Coding Standards
- The book originated in the excellent coding standards document Herb conceived for his own team.
- One of the most difficult aspects in writing the book was the format. The authors wanted to fit each item in exactly one or exactly two facing pages. That way, individual items are quickly readable and copyable to support discussions and meetings. Writing within such a rigid framework proved to be very tricky, but the text does not show it.
- The book was entirely written in Microsoft Word and formatted by Herb, who is an expert Word user.
- The book won the Jolt Productivity Award at the Software Development Conference 2005.